I got it off of the tile with Mr Clean Magic Eraser, but it wouldn't come off of the grout. :(
Here is one of my little man at Target. It is funny because I thought he was sleepy. I thought he was so cute, I busted out my camera and took a picture of him. WRONG!!! About 20 minutes after this picture was taken he barfed all over me, my shoes, himself, the cart, and the floor of Target. That part was NOT funny.
Look at those teeth! "Cheese"
Mr. GQ
he is such a stinkin cutie, it must be so hard not to laugh at his misbehavior! we have had the same marker in the grout problem before, that is so funny! hope you're having a fun summer. when do you usually run? do you still do it with the group? i need to get back into it so bad! maybe we could run together sometime?
These are great photos! I've laughed at my son many times as I've been telling him no. Still do in fact!
I'm so glad that I found your blog again. If I remember correctly you're the sister-in-law to Tina. Am I right? We got to church at First United Methodist Mansfield. I have now added your blog in my list so that I can keep up with you again.
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